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标签:混凝土密封固化剂 | 混凝土密封固化剂厂家

素面要求:应提供以下标准的水泥基面,平整度≤2mm/2M,强度≥20Mpa。环氧地坪质量的保证要有以下几个先提条件: 要有足够的施工时间:基于环氧树脂地面涂料的特点,每道工序完工后必需使其自然固化后方能施工下一道工序,而其固化的速度又受环境温度和空气湿度的影响很大,故施工时遇到阴雨天就会影响施工进度; 施工时需要甲方大力配合:环氧树脂涂层未固化前,不得行人行车,不得落入异物(如垃圾、水等)。

Requirements for plain surface: The following standard cement base surface should be provided, with flatness < 2mm/2M and strength < 20Mpa. There are several preconditions to ensure the quality of epoxy floor: sufficient construction time: based on the characteristics of epoxy resin floor coating, each process must be cured naturally before the next process can be constructed, and the curing speed is greatly affected by ambient temperature and air humidity, so construction progress will be affected by rainy and cloudy days; Party A should cooperate vigorously: before the epoxy resin coating is cured, no pedestrians and foreign bodies (such as garbage, water, etc.) should be allowed to fall into it.

1.质量要求及验收标准: 已空鼓的部分应全部铲除,对于粘结不牢(但暂时没有空鼓和脱层)而易于铲掉的部分亦应全部铲除。 2.打磨清理待修补部分地面; 质量要求及验收标准: 凡是待修补地面部分,均应该露出水泥地面的新鲜层或旧涂层的新鲜层,以保证所施工环氧底涂与原地面有良好的粘结力;打磨完后应该将待施工地面灰尘杂物清理干净。

1. Quality Requirements and Acceptance Criteria: The empty part should be completely eradicated, and the easy-to-eradicate part which is not firmly bonded (but has no empty drum and delamination for the time being) should also be eradicated. 2. Grinding and cleaning parts of the ground to be repaired; Quality requirements and acceptance criteria: All parts of the ground to be repaired should expose the fresh layer of the cement floor or the fresh layer of the old coating, in order to ensure that the epoxy primer under construction has good cohesion with the original ground; after grinding, dust and debris on the ground to be constructed should be cleaned up.

3.高渗透性环氧树脂底油一遍,自然固化;(底涂) 质量要求及验收标准: 滚涂底油时应使其涂层均匀,无漏涂;底油完全固化后应形成一层透明的环氧树脂涂层。

3. High permeability epoxy resin base oil solidifies naturally once; Quality requirements and acceptance criteria: when rolling the base oil, the coating should be uniform and leak-free; when the base oil is completely solidified, a transparent epoxy resin coating should be formed.

4.以环氧树脂中涂材料镘刮一遍,自然固化;(中涂) 质量要求及验收标准: 根据修补层的厚度确定要加入石英砂的粗细(50-100目),该砂浆层一次施工厚度最好不应超过2mm。 砂浆层施工完毕后应让其完全固化后方能施工下一道工序。 中涂完全固化的标准为:受到重压后不会出现凹陷。

4. Scrape the epoxy resin coating material once, curing naturally; (middle coating) quality requirements and acceptance criteria: according to the thickness of the repair layer to determine the thickness of quartz sand (50-100 mesh), the best thickness of the mortar layer should not exceed 2 mm. The mortar layer should be completely solidified before the next working procedure can be constructed. The standard for complete curing of intermediate coatings is that no depression will occur after being subjected to heavy pressure.

5.打磨机打磨中涂层; 质量要求及验收标准: 要求打磨后的砂浆层平整,平滑,表面无凸起。 6.双组分环氧树脂自流平面涂料按比例调配,镘刀施工自然固化(面涂) 质量要求及验收标准: 施工面涂之前必需保证地面清洁,表面不能有砂粒、杂物等; 施工车间厂房要求完全封闭。

5. Coating in grinding of grinder; Quality requirements and acceptance criteria: Require that the mortar layer after grinding should be smooth and smooth, with no bulge on the surface. 6. Two-component epoxy resin self-flowing flat coating is proportionally prepared. Quality requirements and acceptance criteria for natural curing (surface coating) of trowel construction are as follows: before surface coating, the ground must be kept clean, and the surface should not contain sand and sundries; the workshop workshop should be completely closed.

7.养护 质量要求及验收标准: 封闭场地,严禁行人行车,表面不得洒落杂物等。

7. Maintenance quality requirements and acceptance criteria: Closed site, no pedestrian driving, no sundries on the surface, etc.


来源:无锡环氧地坪公司  浏览次数:1207
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传 真:0510-88706348
邮 箱:Yxdspeed@163.com
网 址:www.wuxispeed.com
地 址:无锡市东亭锡沪东路11号
版权所有:无锡市思必德科技有限公司    网站关键词:无锡环氧地坪  混凝土密封固化剂  苏ICP备20046775号    技术支持:无锡易商科技    网站地图
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