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标签:混凝土密封固化剂 | 混凝土密封固化剂厂家


Epoxy floor paint is a special coating consisting of epoxy resin, color paste, filler (quartz powder, talc powder, titanium dioxide powder, etc.), additives (leveling agent, defoamer) and corresponding curing agent. It is mainly used on concrete and cement floor. Epoxy floor is suitable for wear-resistant and impact-resistant places such as electronics, electrical appliances, machinery, communications, food, medicine, moulds, clothing, plastics, tobacco and chemical industry, especially forklift trucks, heavy-duty forklift trucks and automobiles. It has excellent impact resistance, high load, wear resistance, seamless, easy to clean, moisture-proof, dust-proof, general chemical corrosion resistance, and can be used for anti-slip or matte effect. For the epoxy floor paint project after completion of acceptance, many consumers may not understand, below, epoxy floor paint manufacturers to you in detail.一、环氧地坪漆常温固化二天后验收项目:

1. Acceptance and acceptance of floor paint after curing at room temperature for two days: 1、环氧地坪漆漆膜颜色一致、均一,无浮色、发花现象,无明显色差,明暗深浅一致,无漏光现象;

1. Floor paint film is uniform and uniform in color. There is no floating or blooming phenomenon, no obvious color difference, light and shade are identical, and no light leakage phenomenon.

2、地坪漆漆膜表面平整光滑,用手摸漆膜无划手现象; 光泽度应达到设计要求(高光泽≥90、有光≥70、半光50~70),平涂型为有光、水性为半光~无光;

2. The surface of the floor paint film is smooth and smooth, and there is no scratch phenomenon when touching the paint film by hand. The glossiness should meet the design requirements (high gloss (> 90), gloss (> 70), half gloss (> 50-70), and the flat coating type is glossy and water-borne is half glossy (~no gloss).


3. There are no coarse impurities, but the floating dust in the air is allowed to fall on the minimal defects.


3. Floor paint film shall not have the following obvious defects: brush marks, shrinkage holes, bubbles, small particles, drum hair, cracks, bottom leakage, abrasion points, wrinkles, knife marks;


4. When dealing with complex terrain such as Yinyang angle and chamfer angle, there should be no omission and irregularity, especially the accumulation of doors, and the opening and closing of doors will not scratch the floor paint film.


5. Make the construction site clean, tidy, sprinkle paint, paint matching operation site, coating beyond the scope of construction, clean and clean, construction tape, newspapers, strips and other waste disposal clean.


2. The acceptance items of floor paint should be checked and accepted seven days after curing at room temperature.


After curing at room temperature for seven days, the floor paint film achieves the required performance. At present, there is no domestic standard in this respect. Usually, the following methods are adopted:1、硬度:用HB铅笔划漆膜,无划痕为合格。

1. Hardness: Scratch paint film with HB pencil, no scratch is qualified.2、冲击强度及韧性:用一公斤钢球从一米高处落下,看其对漆膜的影响,允许有漆膜下陷,但不允许有裂纹;

2. Impact strength and toughness: a kilogram of steel ball falling from a height of one meter to see its impact on the paint film, allowing for film subsidence, but not cracks;3、附着力。根据现场情况检测地坪漆附着力,主要有以下几种方法:a.拉开法,使用测试仪,要求附着力大于1.5Mpa;b.胶带法。这一种方法用于金属表面,并且要求附着力等级大于3级;c.同样也是适用与金属表面的划格胶带法。要求附着力等级小于2级。

3. Adhesion. According to the field situation, there are mainly the following methods to test the adhesion of floor paint: A. pull-out method, using the tester, requires the adhesion greater than 1.5 Mpa; B. tape method. This method is applied to metal surface, and requires that the adhesion level is greater than 3 grades; C. It is also applicable to the scratch tape method with metal surface. Attachment level is required to be less than 2.4、厚度。如果地面基地是金属,要检查其干膜厚度,必须是在地坪漆施工三个月内检查,并且要求85%以上的测试点厚度要求达到或高于标准。

4. Thickness. If the ground base is metal, to check the dry film thickness, it must be checked within three months of the floor paint construction, and require more than 85% of the test point thickness requirements to meet or exceed the standard.


来源:无锡环氧地坪公司  浏览次数:526
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