当前位置 -> 首页新闻资讯客户如何降低叉车对无锡环氧地坪的损坏? 发布时间:(2019/8/17)


标签:混凝土密封固化剂 | 混凝土密封固化剂厂家


Prevention is the most effective means to improve the use efficiency and service life of epoxy flooring project. Therefore, we should consider in advance the construction of the project and the future use of strength and other issues, so as to achieve a reasonable balance between construction and cost. Epoxy flooring project is widely used in enterprises, especially in large-scale production enterprises. Epoxy flooring has many advantages, such as beautiful, dust-proof, easy to clean and so on, which greatly improves the whole production environment. But forklifts and trailers in production often cause damage to epoxy floors, which is very distressing. So, is there any way to reduce the damage? On the one hand, it is necessary to reduce the entry of foreign bodies. On the other hand, it is necessary to clean up in time to reduce the damage of foreign bodies to the epoxy floor. The above measures can greatly improve the use efficiency and service life of epoxy flooring, but the damage in daily use is inevitable. For the surface damage which is not particularly serious, some repair measures can be taken to restore its good mechanical properties, so as to improve the overall service life of the flooring. 

1. 混凝土地面强度是否达标

1. Whether the strength of concrete ground meets the criteria


The weight of the general transport forklift truck is about two tons, and the weight of the operator and the cargo may reach about 3 tons. This weight is not only a pressure on the epoxy floor paint, but also a great test on the strength of the foundation. In order to reduce the deformation of the paint layer caused by soft foundation, the ground strength should be tested before construction. Generally, the ground strength should be above C25. If it is not enough, the problem of ground strength should be solved first, and then the construction of epoxy floor paint should be done.

2. 提升环氧地坪漆的使用强度

2. Enhance the strength of epoxy floor paint


The construction of coating in epoxy mortar can greatly improve the bearing and wear resistance of the floor, and the use of epoxy self-flowing flat paint can also greatly enhance the floor strength. If the use intensity of the preset later period is large, it is necessary to adopt the construction scheme of middle coating and self-leveling, so as to ensure that there is enough strength to cope with the use intensity of high load.

3. 合理使用叉车等设备

3. Rational use of forklift and other equipment


Although epoxy floor paint has the characteristics of abrasion resistance and pressure resistance, its smooth and bright surface effect is not very "abrasion resistance". After high frequency use, a large number of scratches will be produced on the surface, although it does not affect the strength, but the ornamental degree is poor.


When using forklift trucks, they should be used evenly and balancedly. Sudden speed-up, sudden braking, sharp turning and other operations should be prohibited, and the speed should not be too fast. The fork weight should also be kept within a reasonable range, so as to reduce the instantaneous pressure and friction on the surface of the floor and reduce the unnecessary damage.

4. 保持漆面的清洁

4. Keep the paint clean


Fine sand is the natural enemy of epoxy floor. No matter how small the sand grains are, their strength is above 6.5, and the paint film above 2.0 has little resistance in front of the sand grains. Therefore, we should try our best to avoid foreign matter such as sand and dust entering the epoxy floor, especially in the environment where forklift trucks are used. The damage of forklift trucks rolling sand grains to the floor is very serious.


来源:无锡环氧地坪公司  浏览次数:760
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