当前位置 -> 首页新闻资讯无锡环氧地坪施工中出现水波纹的原因及解决办法 发布时间:(2019/9/11)


标签:混凝土密封固化剂 | 混凝土密封固化剂厂家


Watermarks on epoxy flooring are common in simple construction projects or projects where construction requirements are not too high, which is due to the comprehensive influence of ground conditions and film thickness; in professional epoxy flooring paint construction schemes, because epoxy primer solves the problem of ground absorption, epoxy Mid-coating solves the smoothness. These problems have laid a good foundation for the construction of topcoat, so the appearance of watermarks has been alleviated, especially in the use of self-flow flat paint, can achieve very high surface consistency. In the construction project of epoxy floor paint, the construction process is very normal and smooth in many cases, but after the curing of the paint film, there are ripples similar to water ripple. Especially when the lamp oblique refraction occurs, a large number of wavy reflections appear very uneven on the floor, and after this situation, almost all the ripples appear. There is no way to improve it. To prevent the emergence of a large number of water ripples, first of all, we need to understand what caused this phenomenon. Here is a brief summary.


1. Ground irregularity is the most prone to water marks.


Water ripple is a phenomenon of uneven film formation. When the ground is uneven, it will inevitably lead to uneven film after solidification, especially the simple construction method of "one bottom + two sides" or "two sides" direct construction. There is almost no way to avoid this situation when choosing such simple construction projects, so if the requirements are relatively high, it is suggested to choose other schemes for construction.


2. Water ripple caused by inhomogeneous ground absorption


There are many inhomogeneities in the construction of cement base course, which make the absorption of lacquer at different locations different. After the construction, it is normal to observe the surface condition. But in the curing reaction process, due to the appearance of different absorption conditions, uneven paint surface will be produced slowly, resulting in watermarks. Appear.


The solution is to do the construction of epoxy primer well in advance, because the primer can penetrate into the cement surface, fill the pore existing in the cement, and form a closed film on the surface, which can achieve good consistency, thus avoiding similar undesirable occurrence.


3. Ripple Phenomenon Caused by Temperature Difference


The curing time of epoxy paint surface is about 8 hours, it takes about 24 hours to dry, and it takes 7 days to achieve complete performance strength. In this curing process, when the temperature changes too much, it is easy to cause different curing reaction speed under different temperature conditions, and stress changes will occur in the film. It is easy to produce inconsistent surface flatness.


Therefore, in the construction of floor paint, as far as possible to choose the temperature change will not be too large period of time, if there is no way to avoid, the site should also be protected, artificial improvement of the situation of excessive temperature difference.


4. Watermarks caused by excessive air mobility


If there is gust flow in the site after the completion of the film construction, the film will fluctuate when it is blown by gust, and water marks will be formed after curing slowly.


Maintaining proper air circulation is conducive to improving the curing quality, but when the air flow is uneven or too serious, the closure of the site after construction should be properly carried out to reduce the uneven air flow into the dust and affect the film forming.


5. Watermarks caused by too thin paint film


In the construction of thin-coated floor plan, because the paint film is too thin, the internal stress is not easy to control during the film-forming process, so the low smoothness after film-forming is also common. The effect of paint film can be improved by repeated construction, but in order to achieve better surface smoothing effect, it is recommended to use self-leveling epoxy with a thicker paint layer. Paint construction. Self-leveling paint can have a higher construction thickness, greater density, and greater pressure between molecules, thus enhancing the unity of adjacent molecules, so there will be a high degree of consistency after construction, and it can also cover many uneven conditions of the original ground, to achieve the best results.


In this case, the only way to solve such adverse phenomena is to adjust the methods and schemes before and during construction so as to avoid or reduce the occurrence of such a situation to the greatest extent.


来源:无锡环氧地坪公司  浏览次数:1064
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