当前位置 -> 首页新闻资讯为什么无锡环氧地坪工程造价差异大?性价比高 发布时间:(2019/9/12)


标签:混凝土密封固化剂 | 混凝土密封固化剂厂家


The cost of epoxy floor project is not only related to the different functions mentioned above, but also to product quality, construction team, construction scheme, even construction time and climate. The application of epoxy flooring Engineering in production and life is more and more extensive, and the kinds of epoxy flooring derived are more and more, which have high mechanical strength, excellent chemical properties, beautiful decorative effect, good electrical properties, etc. For those who are not familiar with epoxy flooring, it may be difficult to figure out why there is such a big difference in the cost of flooring. Therefore, there are many dimensions to measure the cost factors, which need to be evaluated comprehensively. Here is a detailed introduction for you! 1、环氧地坪涂料品质的影响

1. Effect of Epoxy Floor Coatings Quality


At present, there is no uniform product standard for epoxy paint, and the formulations of different manufacturers are also different. Among them, the content of epoxy resin and the quality of epoxy resin have the greatest impact on the cost. If the low quality epoxy resin is used as raw material, or the content ratio of epoxy resin is insufficient, the quality of the coating is not good. The possible risks are: poor surface gloss after construction, poor covering effect, unsaturated curing coating, poor wear resistance, easy pulverization and other quality problems.


2. The Impact of Construction Team Professionalism


The construction of epoxy floor paint has certain professional requirements, and there is also a need for a certain sense of cooperation among construction members. Especially in the construction process of large-scale floor projects, the tacit understanding of cooperation among members is not only conducive to improving construction efficiency, but also has a great impact on the quality of the project.


Therefore, the professional construction team not only pays attention to the skill training of individual operators, but also needs the cultivation of tacit cooperation among team members, which are beyond the reach of amateurs. Obviously, such professional teams need time and cost to operate, and their "value" is also different!


3. Influences of Construction Quality


Sometimes, Party A requires that the price be controlled within the set range, and there are certain process requirements. In order to control cost under limited conditions and sacrifice certain construction quality, it is a commonly used method.


Generally, sacrificial links are mostly secondary links, such as the pretreatment of the base plane, which is a common neglected factor. This is understandable, just like when we spend 50 yuan to buy something worth 100 yuan, the boss will omit some content from it and try to save as much as possible to meet our needs without affecting the basic functions.


But when the cost is possible, we should try our best to do a good job in every construction quality!


4. Influences of Construction Schemes


Commonly used construction schemes of epoxy flooring projects are: economical thin-coated flooring, self-leveling flooring, professional anti-static flooring, anti-corrosion flooring, etc. Construction procedures are: epoxy primer, mortar coating, putty coating, epoxy topcoat and other multi-level processes.


In addition to the different specific needs, the construction process can be flexibly adjusted. For example, "one bottom and two sides" of the economic floor is to choose one primer construction plus two thin coatings. It meets the use needs of general office or ordinary factory, and its cost is low, usually about 20 yuan per square meter. The parking lot floor with professional requirements usually adopts the construction scheme of "bottom + mortar + putty + self-leveling", and the cost is more than 40 yuan, while the cost of professional anti-static floor and anti-corrosion floor is more than 60 yuan per square meter.


5. The Impact of Project Quantity and Specific Construction Environment


In addition to the above rigid indicators, the project volume and construction environment are also the reasons affecting the cost.


For example, on the premise of the same technological scheme, the price of 1000 square projects is definitely different from that of 1000 square projects; the construction scheme needs to be adjusted under the high temperature environment of 35 C; and the construction operation should be changed according to the situation in rainstorm weather. These adjustments will bring about cost changes, which may have little impact in the normal construction environment, but for the professional construction team, careful cost budget is the embodiment of exquisite construction.


来源:无锡环氧地坪公司  浏览次数:873
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